Regenerative Medicine
If you are experiencing a great deal of pain from an injury, using medication to cope with these symptoms can become a great risk itself. These prescribed medicines only cover up the symptoms and don’t address the root of the pain.
While pain medication and surgery have their uses in appropriate settings, many patients don’t know about one treatment option that could be the right fit for them: regenerative medicine.
What Is Regenerative Medicine?
Regenerative medicine is a variety of nonsurgical techniques to help heal ligament injuries, back pain, joint paint, and even weakness in the muscles and joints. The typical repair process is two to three months, but in many cases, significant improvements are noticeable before then. This procedure usually entails introducing a regenerative cellular state into an area of injury which promotes complete healing, growth, and regeneration of the needed tissue directly.
What Is Acoustic Wave Therapy?
Acoustic wave therapy is a form of low intensity shockwave therapy (LI-SWT) which uses sound waves to deliver mechanical energy deep into tissues that can break up scar tissue and stimulate repair in a safe and effective nonsurgical fashion. It can be used on everything from muscles to joints and tendons to cellulite, facelifts and even erectile dysfunction.
What our stem cells and how can they be safely used in a regenerative medicine practice?
The first and most important thing to understand about stem cell treatments is A) Who are you getting them from? B) What are you getting ? and C) Where are they going?
A) Who is easy. Ask the doctor how many hours they have trained exclusively in stem cell medicine and do they have certificates to backup more training than just a couple of weekend courses. Are they pursuing a board certification in this field? Has the doctor devoted him or herself to training with the foremost names in the field. Will the doctor be doing the treatments or will an assistant. Do not be shy about asking who the physician has trained with as there are very few well-established clinical training programs in this new and emerging science. Dr. Burress is proud of his in-depth and extensive training and feels he is by far the most highly trained provider in this field in the Villages area.
B) What are you getting? There has been a tremendous amount of misinformation regarding stem cell therapy, but don’t feel bad, it’s enough to confuse anyone. Are they autologous transplants (meaning they come from your own fat or bone marrow from your own body, so there is low to no chance for rejection/infection) or are they allogenic grafts (usually from birth tissues) such as the umbilical cord? Many of the currently advertised birth tissue treatments today are not true stem cell treatments. If anyone is telling you that current commercially available birth tissue products have live stem cells in them you need to be aware that it is very both very unlikely and that the FDA does not allow the these products to be advertised as stem cell treatments. Even if they do not legitimately contain live stem cells, some products can provide cytokines and exosomes that provide excellent orthobiologic function, but they do have to be sourced correctly. Should you wish to obtain large amounts of legal umbilical cord derived mesenchymal stem cells there are ways to go out of country to obtain these products. There is more than a little debate about the best course of treatment but Dr. Burress can utilize and is trained in all these techniques and keeps up on the latest scientific discussions / regulations regarding these treatments. Legitimate stem cell therapy well-grounded in scientific research is safe and effective for many conditions. If you don’t come to us, feel free to call and use us as an information source about what product you are potentially being injected with.
For further information please visit the FDA website link highlighted here FDA Site (Click Here)
C) Where are the stem cells going? In the best of cases, your stem cells are injected under precision guidance by a physician well versed in orthopedic injections. This helps to ensure that they go to the best possible location for your success. Your physician should be highly skilled in the use of both musculoskeletal ultrasound and fluoroscopy in order to ensure precision placement. While it is true that stem cells have an innate homing mechanism that guides them to inflammation and the places that they are needed most, unguided injections have a significantly higher failure rate than guided injections, as well as more pain. When you are dealing with a procedure of this significance, you want someone who knows right where to put the cells for their best effect.
Platelet-Rich Plasma
Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy (PRP) is used for the treatment of ligament and tendon injuries and chronic degenerative joints. Conditions treated include tennis elbow, knee, shoulder, hip and ankle arthritis, knee ligament tears, partial thickness rotator cuff tears, plantar fasciitis and Achilles tendonitis. Platelets are fragments of cells that contain proteins necessary to help seal broken blood vessels. In an injury, it is the platelet mixture that responds first to help prevent bleeding. Their purpose is to implement tissue repair and prevent further injury to the body. Because of their natural healing factors, platelets help by restoring order within the body caused by injury. So PRP injections boost the recovery process by concentrating these healing efforts into the one area where it is needed the most.
Why Regenerative Medicine?
One big reason people opt for regenerative medicine is because it can get at the true source of their pain in a very noninvasive fashion. Many alternatives to regenerative medicine require hospitalization, general anesthesia and its associated risks as well as extensive recovery time. With regenerative medicine there is no need for general anesthesia, no operating room, no significant recovery time following the procedure. You are able to have your procedure in an outpatient setting and can walk out of the clinic immediately afterwards and engage in your normal activity.
Am I A Candidate For Regenerative Medicine?
Book a consultation with us to see if regenerative medicine is right for you!
One of the most exciting new advancements in aesthetics is the use of regenerative medicine to improve your skin quality, giving your face a youthful feel. We are pleased to offer this to patients who are looking for an effective new way to treat marks, scars, and wrinkles on their face! We offer a PRP Facial and the PRP facelift, both using the power of platelet-rich plasma to revitalize your skin.
Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) Facial
A PRP facial begins by putting numbing cream on your face to reduce any potential discomfort. We then extract a small amount of your blood, which is then spun in a centrifuge to separate the blood from the plasma, concentrating the platelets within.
Plasma contains platelets or growth factors that help your body regenerate, repair, and recover tissue. Once the plasma is injected into your face, it stimulates your body’s collagen production to accelerate repair and recovery. This is ideal for the treatment of any visible scars, wrinkles, fine lines, hyperpigmentation, sun damage, inconsistent skin texture, and large pores, as collagen production can help return your skin quality to a younger and more vibrant look.
PRP Facelift
The PRP Facelift is a technique that uses the regenerative powers of your own body to amplify the effects of dermal fillers.
Instead of using 10 to 20 syringes of filler we can inject a small amount of filler and combine it with platelet-rich plasma (PRP) from your own blood. We place just enough filler to act as a scaffold for your body to regenerate its own collagen and elastin around the filler. Since this collagen is your own living tissue, it will last much longer than the filler itself. The regeneration of new collagen has an amazing effect on the surface skin.
Within a few weeks of the treatment, most people notice a significant improvement in their skin quality with a noticeable glow and healthy texture. Combining PRP and fillers results in a very natural looking effect with minimal down time and effects that can last years instead of just months.
Curious About Regenerative Medicine For Aesthetics?
Contact us today to see if this is the right option for you.
Knee Pain
Knee pain can be due to an injury or to a degenerative condition such as osteoarthritis. Whatever the cause we frequently see that the inflammation caused by the condition predisposes the cartilage to thinning and eventual break down. Treatment for these issues can range anywhere from simple home exercises, physical therapy, medications, steroid injections, hyaluronic acid injections, cellular therapy such as PRP or bone marrow concentrate, up to a complete knee replacement. Of course, we at the Burress Center for Cellular and Regenerative Medicine are particularly fond of non-surgical alternatives.
Cellular and Regenerative Medicine For Knee Pain
Orthobiologic injections can include a variety of cellular products. If the condition can be improved through a nonsurgical approach that would generally be preferred. Total knee (TKR) Replacement should be considered as a late option, but it is often perceived as the first and only treatment available by many patients. This is not the case. We use fluoroscopic and ultrasonic machines to precisely place hyaluronic acid (H.A.), platelet rich plasma (PRP) lysate, fat and bone marrow products into the knee in the management of our patients.
PRP therapy uses the growth factors present in our blood to treat the knee. Fat and bone marrow therapy involves several factors including autologous mesenchymal stem cells as a treatment. We have several information sources listed on this website and at your request, we will happily refer you to several articles regarding the science around the use of orthobiologic products.
Are You The Right Candidate For Regenerative Medicine?
If you have chronic knee pain due to a past injury, osteoarthritis, or recent injury to the knee cartilage, meniscus, ligaments, or other structures, you may be an ideal candidate for orthobiologic treatment of the knees. We here at the Burress Center for Cellular and Regenerative Medicine are proud of having the advanced training and equipment needed to help you work on restoring your life, one step at a time.
Hip Pain
Hip pain can be extremely difficult to deal with, especially when it occurs on a daily basis. Conventionally, it requires long-term pain control if the root cause of the problem is not treated. Hip surgery for hip replacements and hip resurfacing are often the only treatment options offered to the patient dealing with debilitating hip pain. Hip surgeries are by nature traumatic and require a lengthy rehabilitation period. Patients often must deal with pain and discomfort for months while trying to restore strength and mobility.
While many times surgery is the correct answer, at The Burress Center for Cellular and Regenerative Medicine, we encourage patients to explore other options. In some cases, patients may be able to recover from their issues quicker and with minimal discomfort and down time when they pursue regenerative medicine alternatives.
Cellular and Regenerative Medicine for Hips
Many of our procedures are nonsurgical or minimally invasive. The treatment is usually carried out in minutes instead of hours and recovery time can be in terms of days instead of months. Achieving that same level of fast recovery time and healing is difficult with surgery. In addition, patients undergoing Orthobiologic treatments may be far less susceptible to post-surgical risks such as blood clots, but ultimately, a consultation will be needed to see if you are a good candidate.
Typical treatments might include low intensity shockwave therapy using sound waves to break up calcifications and stimulate fibroblast regrowth, platelet rich plasma lysate injections, which uses your blood’s own growth factors, adipose therapy which involves using your own fat to stimulate tissue repair, and ‘autologous’ (from your own body) bone marrow transplants which contain, among other growth factors, mesenchymal stem cells.
Are You A Candidate For Cellular Or Regenerative Procedures For Hip Issues?
In general, if you are suffering from any hip injury or hip pain, you may be an excellent candidate for regenerative medicine techniques. Get in touch with us today and we can schedule a free consultation to see if you may be able to benefit from our extensive training in this field. We at The Burress Center for Cellular and Regenerative Medicine are especially proud of our ability to provide precision placement of orthobiologic substances through the use of fluoroscopy and ultrasound. And if you are not a good candidate for our protocols, we will tell you. We will be happy to refer you to scientific articles supporting our approach.
Shoulder Pain
The shoulder is an incredibly flexible and multifaceted ball-and-socket joint in our body. This flexibility is possible because the socket part of the joint is fairly shallow. It requires a cluster of four tendons (which is known as the rotator cuff) to clutch the ball tightly in the socket when you raise and rotate your arms.
The most common injury of the shoulder is the rotator cuff tear, and because of its complexity, shoulder joint surgery is rather complicated, painful, and needs a prolonged rehabilitation period. Regenerative medicine might give you the chance to evade surgery and use stem cells to heal your rotator cuff tear. Shoulder pain is quite common, but the surgery carries serious risks. The cost of the surgery is also comparatively higher. Often times, surgeries fail to restore mobility and functionality fully.
Amputating shoulder joints and replacing it with artificial shoulder joints (made of metal, plastic, or ceramic) is a complex surgery process with serious side effects that exceed the side effects in any other treatment procedure. Moreover, shoulder replacement surgeries are not known for their 100% success rate, which is why many patients hesitate to try this alternative.
Treating Severe Shoulder Arthritis – Without Any Joint Replacement Surgery
Using a precise medical imaging system, we inject a variety of regenerative and growth factors directly into the injured part of the body. This way, we are able to direct adequate natural healing force of the body directly towards the degeneration.
By activating your body’s own healing mechanism and eradicating the need for painful surgery, we give hope to patients who are seeking reliable treatment alternatives for conditions like partial rotator cuff tears.
Regenerative medicine can show encouraging results even with severely damaged retracted rotator cuff tears as well. Using your body’s self-healing methods to ease your shoulder pain and treat a rotator cuff tear is an excellent alternative to any surgery.
What Makes You A Good Candidate For Regenerative Medicine?
If you have encountered a shoulder injury or rotator cuff injury from osteoarthritis, you may be a good candidate for these stem cell procedures. Give us a call to discuss your condition in detail.
Sexual Health & Wellness
Sexual dysfunction is a condition that seems to be getting more and more common. However, this does not mean that you have to live with it for the rest of their lives. Thanks to the advancements in medical science such as regenerative medicine, there are ways in which to restore sexual enjoyment, no matter the stage of life you are in.
The FemShot® is used to stimulate the female sexual system. Women, as they age, will likely experience some type of issue associated with sexual wellness as their bodies change. These conditions can have a profound impact on quality of life. Women who are approaching menopause, dealing directly with menopause or are beyond menopause, will experience some form of Female Sexual Dysfunction (FSD). Indicators such as vaginal dryness, reduced ability to achieve or maintain an orgasm, intercourse that is painful, coupled with reduced sexual desire are all common symptoms of FSD. PRP protocols are safe and natural alternatives to surgery and drugs. with few contraindications or negative side effects.
Erectus Shot
The Erectus Shot® (Erectus Shot) is a specific method using blood-derived growth factors for rejuvenation. This minimally invasive treatment is a virtually painless option for treating erectile dysfunction, a common—but serious— condition many men experience later in life.
The causes of erectile dysfunction can include such as age, poor blood flow, hormonal imbalance (androgen) levels, chronic illness, psychological state, stress and fatigue. In men, diminished testosterone levels reduce sexual drive (male libido), which in turn can impact the ability to maintain and sustain an erection.
Explore Your Options
PRP therapy leverages the regenerative potentials of growth factors formed by blood platelets. This integrative and medically confirmed method of PRP Therapy is a safe and effective remedy for male dysfunction and male enhancement conditions. PRP is a natural alternative to medically invasive procedures or prescription drug and requires minimal downtime after treatment. In addition, this protocol produces results that are practically immediate. To learn more about what you can do about your sexual health, contact us today!